CPR Promotional Check-Up - Sep 21, 2012
September 21, 2012
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There Goes Your Day
Radio is the great re-poster of other people's content. Which is why if some kid in Gulf Shore, Mississippi dresses his Vietnamese pot belly pig as Lady Gaga, it will end up on 8000 radio station sites and FB pages in 24 hours.
But we do occasionally make our own stuff. Some of us are better than others. But it's a learning process and at least we're trying.
There aren't any set criteria but most people will agree with Jayme Lynn Butt (the greatest name in Radio) at Newcap in Canada: We don't make a video longer than five minutes unless it's REALLY good stuff.
And most concur with Steve-O at KDWB: If you don't have tags/keywords, you're missing out on more traffic.
Drake Donovan with CBS in Pittsburgh has teamed up with a colleague at 'YCD in Detroit and has started a company that will create video content www.splicevideoforradio.com . His suggestion is: If you have a long video break it up into 3 or 4 shorter videos to equal more page views, more social media engagements, & more unique visitors.
So, in no particular order, just some short descriptions and maybe an occasional editorial comment, here are a bleep load of videos from around the CPR World Wide Love Network:
FM 94.9/San Diego Worthy from a promotional standpoint because of their very cool flexy flag http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sN7g880J9m0&feature=youtu.be And because of the girl dancing in front of their tent.
103.3 Kiss FM in Boise REALLY high powered video for their Friday night Summer broadcasts from the local waterpark. Peak in Boise is one of the aforementioned clusters that do great stuff http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tljG0rMRW7Y&feature=related
92.9 JACK-FM/Buffalo Joe Russo goes up with the Air Force for a spin http://929jackfm.com/jack-fm-takes-flight-with-the-usaf-thunderbirds/
NJ 101.5/Trenton A faux spot for Rosetta Stoner http://nj1015.com/dennis-and-judis-new-teaching-tool-rosetta-stoner-video/
Clear Channel/San Antonio Another cluster that does great stuff. An assortment of the best from across all their stations is at http://www.mix961.com/pages/madison.html?article=10362067
B-95/Albany Quick 'n Odd from Laura Daniels. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ADdQjTTnhg&list=UU55lK6Cjnj9UHZXHg2ynbYQ&index=8&feature=plcp
Townsquare Media/Lafayette Having some fun with Reba tickets http://youtu.be/n2n93CFmwx4 and Stupid DJ Tricks http://youtu.be/w9IX35-aT8c
Hot Hits 95.7/Houston PK & Ivan from the Hot Show with Sarah Pepper do some great stuff. First? Ivan milks a cow. I think the film work on this is pretty great. http://bit.ly/RAcs8c and from Valentines, women with guns http://bit.ly/NeYabC
Hot 96.7/Mankato Stunt Monkey's daily vlog http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gq_tJHO5hFc&feature=plcp
Hot 89.9/Ottawa Five cameras simultaneously capturing reactions from five couples learning that they'd all won babies http://youtu.be/19q2jwlVtCY
Rock 96.7/Casper Tee Roy Makes A Porno http://rock967online.com/hump-day-humor-is-back-vote-here-for-the-next-video-poll-nsfw-video/
Oasis Radio Group/Ft. Wayne They have one dude on staff who does nothing but makes videos. They have a webisode series called "The Woods" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yY-pm2ODTlw&list=FLpM2sBEt66jTTCCvvmIAg8g&index=7&feature=plpp_video and the World's Largest Game Of Musical Chairs for a trip to the Grammys https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=if6Ms2Fmm6Y&list=UUPkU3zMs816JdSAxdrQT0BQ&index=8&feature=plcp
98.7 AMP-FM/Detroit Okay. I'm a geek. The shaking logo was cool. A Free Ticket Freak Out with Buckhead and Coop http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZ0Ju8Wzm04&list=UUxz9MXqdK-eenY8aWSmaL6g&index=3&feature=plcp and since you all will inevitably be at a haunted house in 60 days http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wR4tyC1D0BA&list=UUxz9MXqdK-eenY8aWSmaL6g&index=10&feature=plcp
95.1 Kiss-FM Drex and Maney, Office-style http://kiss951.cbslocal.com/2012/06/14/meet-drex-maney-mornings-the-office-style/
BRMB/Birmingham This is Oscar-worthy. BRMB does a salute to their market and local businesses http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZOejyIlQCs
Jamz 96.3/Albany The Banana Challenge. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7z7FXYzVID4
KLUC/Las Vegas They could've just put the big screen for the Superbowl on FB and had people like it... http://kluc.cbslocal.com/video/6704644-big-game-big-hit-big-screen/ and a great Bieber Visit recap. Another station that historically does good stuff. http://kluc.cbslocal.com/video/6560691-justin-bieber-invades-98-5-kluc/
Z-102.9/Cedar Rapids Occasionally a song comes along that screams "parody me" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-11uB9mXZw
Power 96/Miami It was National Naked Recreation Week! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eisQ1VvbSgA&feature=youtube_gdata_player
And there ya go. Music video parodies, remotes at water parks, stupidity for the sake of stupidity, big and loud Grammys and Superbowl videos, and the warm and fuzzy of winning a baby. -