CPR Promotional Check-Up - Nov 30, 2012
November 30, 2012
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Call Of Duty appears to be HUGE but it's entirely possible that Wii's wii'l wii'n again in 2012.
Last year Hot in Houston scrounged and hoarded and had a Wii A Day all December. They're back with more for '10. Promo is attached.
It COULD be as simple as a daily "Song That Makes You Go WHEEEEE!" Announce with the morning show at 7 am and take the dial position caller when it plays
You could present it as you're shoplifting them. You have an intern step into the studio and empty out their pants and hoodie. You don't know what you won until they take it out: jar of pickles, pack of batteries and some Kanye tickets. "Sorry. The Wii's were HIGH up on the shelf and security was watching me like a hawk. I'm going back in three hours and try again."
Or, you do a game show. Wiiii'l Of Fortune. Cheesy game show music. Host and hostess. You spin and win.
Or, you get five listeners or parents on the phone with the morning show, they each get 30 seconds to state their case why they should win the Wii. You give out five text numbers and the person with the most votes at 5 pm wins.
Or you do "WFF" Wii Friend Forever and people try to win them for their friends. Or...
Wii Our Family This was, I think, the first promotion we did when I started with KDWB. They had a family trip for four to Orlando from Disney. They took over the centercourt of a mall and had families move from table to table, playing old school boardgames. The final family, not eliminated, got the trip. A Wii has the promotional value of a trip to Disney.
Don't Go "Whee!" For A Wii It'll sound great in a promo and give corporate attorneys angina. Very simple. (Not really) You put listeners, one-after-another, on a theme park ride. Maybe one of those slingshot things that has a camera and mike for the souvenir video. The listener who can do it without making a sound, wins.
Spelling Bee For The Free Wii The name says it all. Encourages kids to buckle down, straighten up, fly right, and not be afraid to be intelligent.
The Free Wii Tree Get one of those fake trees that is basically a pole with holes in it with stick in branches. Colors all the tips one color...except one. Do an event. People step up, pull off a branch, voile' someone wins the Wii.
Tantrums For Toys Michael Martin came up with Tantrums For Tickets as a weekend contest. This would have ten teens stepping out and showing their best stuff, to be judged and voted on. Could be done live at an event or posted on the web.
Whine For Your Wii Same as above. But with a little whiiiiiiiinnee to it.
Wii's are just way way way too good to just waste through standard contesting. Here is a script I pounded out for a station-to-remain-nameless:
The Wee's down in Weeville, the tall and the wee, they loved Christmas, and their Wee Christmas Trees. But the Krinch up on (local) Mountain, he hated the Wee's. With their "Whoops! and their "Whees" and the Wii's bought during sprees. Oh how he hated the Wee's Wii's the most. They play all day, they drink and they boast. The binging and boinging as they played with their Wii's, it was a sound no Krinch could help but displease. So the Krinch, oh the Krinch, had an old Krinchy plan, he'd go down to Weeville, take their Wii games, from each Wee child, Wee Woman and Wee man. Then he'd bring back the Wii's and he wrap them up nice, some in gold tinsel, some he's wrap twice. Then he'd call his friend (DJ) at that station called (name), he'd take his Krinch call, the guy's got a phone at his pool. Then (DJ) would regift the Wee's Wii's, giving them out to his fans, the trail back to the Krinch would be cold, oh my what a plan! So listen to (station) and call in you cheapskate, a free Wee Wii, why that would be great. And the Krinch on the hill, why this Christmas morning he'll sleep in, no sounds of whee from the Wee to cause that darn din.