CPR Promotional Check-Up - Jul 12, 2013
July 12, 2013
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Proof That Appointment Times Work
From Brian Ram at Jammin' in New London: I guess appointment times work.... "My 6 year old daughter Leia heard your radio commercial last night reminding people to call in at 8am for their chance to qualify for the beach house. She was absolutely certain that I would forget to try and call, so she left me the attached reminder note. "Tomorrow morning at eight you get a chance to borrow a beach house. Can't wait!" I just thought this was very cute and wanted to share!
Almost As Good As A Prize Wheel
When we started Wild in Tampa, we wanted it to be the anti-station. We didn't want to have anything or do anything that any other station in town would be doing. That included what Wild would do at remotes and appearances since it appeared that every other signal in the market had prize wheels.
So we went to Toys R Us and bought up anything that was Nerfable and remote controllable. These games were mixed in with stuff like Bobbing For Cod and a game where you had to suck a ball through a garden hose. One of the first remote controlled things they had was a bowling ball that you could maneuver through an obstacle course of cones. Much like this http://www.gosphero.com/
Equally remoteable and the first on-site game that Wired in Philly had, were Shock Tanks http://www.shockingfun.com/Shocking_Tank_p/shocktank.htm
Match The Criminal To The Crime
I've lobbed this out a couple of times and since we're always trying to find sticky stuff for our digital platforms, it's worth mentioning again. Dave Ryan did it at KDWB where he found five female audience members who had done at least one night in jail, posted their pics and you had to match them to their crime.
I saw it done in one of the free weekly papers where they used overnight mugshots and you matched 10 people to 10 crimes. And then there's this from Smoking Gun. http://www.thesmokinggun.com/documents/internet/friday-photo-fun-match-game-060713-56084793545758