CPR Promotional Check-Up - Oct 24, 2016
October 24, 2016
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"Gerbil": Funny EVERYTIME
Seriously. Say it. Gerbil. One of the stations is doing the "Vote" campaign and everything from October 1 to November 8th is going to be under that umbrella. They wanted a daily poll thing for the website. They're going to do a Gerbil Poll. Every day two chunks of will be placed into a room of gerbils and filmed. A Hillary chunk and an Trump chunk. The poll will be an updated election projection based on which ones the gerbils go to. Can you say "The Daily Show"?
Thanksgiving Groceries
First, a reminder, at least for the CHR's and Rhythm stations, be sure to sell a club night on Wednesday the 23rd. It's a HUGE night for clubs. Make sure to get on it.
Thanksgiving + Food and in the last week a bunch (tm) of stations have had clients requesting promotions for the holiday. So...
Grocery Dash The Lord God Mother of all promotions is having a listener take a dial position number of seconds to run through a store and grab as much food as they can, which they get to keep. This is followed by the morning show doing the same thing and donating all their grabbings (?) to a food shelf.
Turkey Bowling This has been done by many stations but most successfully and most recently by Mix in Cincinnati. They always get TV and it's totally sponsorable.
'Tis The Season To Binge Done by WPGC in DC where the morning guy documented everything he consumed between 5 pm on Wednesday to showtime on Monday. On video. Guess the total caloric intake without going over to win a mess 'o food for Christmas.
Turducken It's sad when an Australian morning show "gets" Thanksgiving. Totally a morning show bit using clients' product.
ER, Stat This requires that you would have someone available on Thanksgiving, but no one has ever NOT had some form of T-Day disaster. Have pre-prepared meals from a client ready to bring ASAP to listeners whose holidays hinge on your rescue.
Hot/Rooms Whether you have a digital venue or phone line available, most chains have 'experts' who they love to tout as helpful and resourceful for elements like health and recipes. Have one or two who can help with audience members who are trying to discern what "two parts vanilla" actually means.
At Work Who would want to market to people who sit and listen to the radio for 9 or 10 hours at a stretch? That's crazy talk! The worst Thanksgiving ever was when I was in college, my family lived in California, I was the only person left in my dorm at the U of M and I spent the holiday working as a hotel desk clerk. I treated myself to an Arby's turkey sandwich that I'd bought the day before and saved. Have the client sponsor food deliveries to the poor folks who have to work.
High/Low For Some Gro Gro iHeart in Springfield, Mass was the first to do this. Terry O'Donnell went and filled a grocery cart with random items he pulled off the shelves on a Sunday, he had the load scanned, took a photo of the cart full of stuff and posted. The next week they did a high/low contest to nail the total to the penny, to win a gift card, presented as "food for a month" because gift cards suck.