CPR Promotional Check-Up - Jan 30, 2018
January 30, 2018
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Hot Chicks On The Internet
One of the stations has a "thing" that's being sponsored by the Egg Council. Which reminded me of this little ghetto incubator we had in 4th grade where we watched a chick slowly hatch over a few days. Remembering that ALL great promotions go back to 4th grade, what if, the next time you have a decent grand prize, you get ten qualifiers, assign them each a numbered egg, webcam it and the first egg to hatch wins the prize for the designated listener.
To make it more exciting, the remaining nine eggs and listeners should be fed to a boa.
When In Doubt, It All Goes Back To 4th Grade
If you think about it (and I do, sleepless, sweating out the toxins, with the feeling of ants crawling al...nevermind) most great contest methodologies either come from reality TV or from Tom Wasmoen's birthday party in 4th grade. As witnessed by KDWB's Worlds Largest Game Of Musical Chairs for Superbowl tickets. One of the stations hauled out a massive game of Rock, Paper, Scissors for Jason Aldean meet and greets. Mayhem ensued and they got TV coverage in freaking Bulgaria out of it.
Carpe Diem (Seize The Carp!)
Over the years I've sent winners to just about every corner of the globe. Scuba diving on the Great Barrier Reef. White water rafting in West Virginia. To Pampolona to get gored. Cities 97 in Minny does these really cool "Wine & Dine" adventures where they send winners to vineyards all over the world. One of their recent winners is off to South Africa for exotic cuisine, wine tasting and mountain biking in the rugged coastal hills. Honestly? How cool does that sound. Especially compared to the (mostly) lame flyaways other stations do.
So, last Spring I was sitting in a Holiday Inn in Oklahoma City (please cue the Sheila E music...now) and at breakfast there were all these people with matching t-shirts on. I strolled by and caught the logo: they were on a tornado chasing tour. And sure enough, in the parking lot of the hotel, were their antenna-bedecked vans, engines running, ready to scout for wall clouds. How cool would that be for a trip this April or May? Google "tornado tours" and you'll find several companies that do this.