CPR Promotional Check-Up - Oct 11, 2019
October 11, 2019
Have an opinion? Add your comment below. -
Campus Crashing
Congrats to Hits 106.3 where they pulled something out of one of the daily emails and:
- Sold the eff out of it.
- Got great in-store displays featuring Mandy and Jimmy the morning show.
- Backdoored some doorhanger marketing onto the KU campus.
The Best Halloween Bash Name You Might Not Have Heard
The Zombie Silent Disco from Power in Redding. http://www.power1021.com/2019/09/09/power-102-1s-zombie-silent-disco-is-coming/
Greed Diet
On the first of yesterday's conf calls, a VP pointed out that the couple of weeks post-New Years, pre-Super Bowl are kind of a Black Hole Of Promotional Nothingness.
The Greed Diet was done by KZIA and they made bank(tm) off it. The team of listeners that lost the most % of weight over four weeks split $10,000. Think about it: weight loss. What clients COULDN'T you sell into it? Ask and I'll send the sales piece.
Second Chance Homecoming
The highschool dances will be commencing shortly.
The biggest club night of the year that no one thinks to sell? The night before Thanksgiving. Kids get home from college, stop long enough to drop off their laundry and say hi to the cousins and then go to visit and catch up with friends.
Sell it.
This came up on the second conf call of yesterday.
The above-mentioned Wednesday is also the busiest travel day of the year. At about 3 pm the cities will empty like some post-apocalyptic movie.
Kiss in Dallas did Free GasFridays in 2018 and every Friday would set up and pump $10 a car for a hundred cars. It was only 10 bucks but they caused traffic jams.
Sending people over the river and through the woods with some free gas would be large.