CPR Promotional Check-Up - Nov 1, 2019
November 1, 2019
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30 Million Social Media Hits
The Q-105/Tampa cover photo of the beach IS outstanding and you really want to stick around until the person struts by in the background. But to clarify, the item that got the gazillion hits was this event at a race track in Washington State. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjY0mm-xiLY
Win With The Whistle Blower
Great contests, really amazing contests, are super focused into that moment in time. And since most group contests sound exactly the same, if you just tweaked the name and the imaging to reflect what's trending, you're going to win. It could be a pollen outbreak like Hot in Houston. Or a Twinkies shortage like Hot in Knoxville. Or a heatwave at Kiss in Dallas. Or celebs bribing their kids into school. Or, like what's happening in DC right now. Courtesy of Mix 94.1 in Canton. https://www.mix941.com/contests/win-with-the-whistleblower/
And here is the imaging. https://soundcloud.com/cprpromo/mix-941-canton-whistle-blower-promo
Addams Family
It's got a catchy beat and it's begun to pop up in TV spots this week. Disregarding the file name, KDWB in Minny used it to promote their Pay Your Bills contest.
The $40,000 4-Play
As done by K-97 in Edmonton where they announce 4 songs and you get paid for how many have played in a row. https://www.k97.ca/k-97-4-play/
High/Low, since Marconi was around, has always been a fantastic methodology. And it doesn't have to be "Guess The Pennies In The Piggy Bank". You can have people guess mileage on a used car. Or the cost of a concert trip, as done by Q-93.5 in Columbia. https://www.q935.com/contests/hi-lo-2-go/