CPR Promotional Check-Up
October 11, 2010
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For Your Dental Clients
As done by KDWB as Mangled Mouth, here is a very nice visual from Radiowave http://www.radiowave.com.na/main/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=106:colgate-perfectsmile&catid=1:latest-news
The Wheels On The Bus Go 'Round And 'Round
I like bus trips. Because it opens up your field of Promotional Opportunity. I always had a mental circle of about 200 miles drawn and was hyper aware of stuff within that area that we could play with. Casinos. Whitewater rafting. Skiing. Tubing. Concerts.
Congrats to Hot in Norfolk where they loaded up the Wagon Queen Family Bus-ster and sent 20 pairs of winners up to a Gaga show. From Kelly at the station:
Party Girl's Party Bus to Gagaville! (Charlottesville)
45 listeners on a "tour bus" to the show. We had Gaga and Hot music along the way--Party Girl welcomed everyone and thnaked them for coming on her bus. We had a dance contest on the bus on the way to the show in which we gave away prizes including gym and tanning memeberships and CDs...def! a PARTY BUS...BYOB, if you chose to (we didn't advertise this, but told ppl they could bring what they wanted)...all Hot 100.5 jocks were on board with Party Girl. Bobby Hollywood did call-ins from the bus....all went to the show..and we got home at 3AM this morning.