No Flu, No Lightning, No Problem
May 8, 2009
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Jimmy Carter in his homebase Nashville
The Swine flu came and maybe it went ...There was close to a panic. Still despite the headlines, the Chesney tour pressed on through Texas ... It all worked out ... Then the storms of Dallas. I got into several heated discussions this week concerning the Chesney storm show in Frisco,Texas.
It is very easy to Monday morning quarterback the decisions made that day. Everyone wanted to be safe while still going ahead, not upsetting the fans who didn't seem to care about the rain.
Big money was at stake. The feelings of the fans ... The "want to race" excitement of the artist and show personnel ... 50 minutes in rain had threatened the integrity of the stage and lightning, and was scaring more than a few fans..
No judgment here from me. I wasn't there ... the video, the news story on WFAA, the lack of answer from anyone at the stadium made me wonder about policy ... What is it?
I am going to use this column to maybe help some radio people, concert folks, artists and others concerning their severe weather policy. If you don't have one, get one ... if you do, stick with it.
Many Div 1-A college football games have more people at risk, more money in play than most any concert ever does. They spent some long hours debating the subject ... What do you do if a storm comes up ... You screw up on decisions like rain/lightning and people can DIE!
The legal liability is huge and clear in tort law. The PR liability is huge if a decision is NOT made to err on the safety side of the ledger. Could you imagine what CNN/FOX would have done if, God forbid, a bolt had come down from that overhead lightning and killed a few fans or someone on the stage? The "we didn't think it was that bad" excuse wouldn't have gone far on a day where the nearby Dallas Cowboy training facility had been blown away, injuring a dozen.
It all worked out ... this time. Maybe these exhibits below will help pre-plan your Summer event so you don't make the rules up each time...
TV news people and crews have agreed upon guidelines about operating in lightning conditions.. When lightning is in the area, you drop that microwave mast and fast ... the trucks are equipped with portable and static lightning detectors ... I have done a few reports where lightning could be seen and looking back I was stupid ... BUT you do not want to disappoint or act like a weenie! So I know the pressure ... been there...
From the NCAA Here is there report:
The NCAA Committee on Competitive Safeguards and Medical Aspects of Sports acknowledges the significant input of Brian L. Bennett, ATC, College of William and Mary and Ronald L. Holle and Raul Lopez of the National Severe Storms Laboratory in the development of this guideline. Lightning is the most consistent and significant weather hazard that may affect intercollegiate athletics. Within the United States, the National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL) estimates that 100 fatalities and 400-500 injuries requiring medical treatment occur from lightning strikes every year. While the probability of being struck by lightning is extremely low, the odds are significantly greater when a storm is in the area and the proper safety precautions are not followed.
Prevention and education are the keys to lightning safety. Education begins with background information on lightning. The references associated with this guideline are an appropriate resource. Prevention should begin long before any intercollegiate athletics event or practice. The following steps are recommended by the NCAA and NSSL to mitigate the lightning hazard:
- Designate a chain of command as to who monitors threatening weather and who makes the decision to remove a team or individuals from an athletics site or event. An emergency plan should include planned instructions for participants as well as spectators.
- Obtain a weather report each day before a practice or event. Be aware of potential thunderstorms that may form during scheduled intercollegiate athletics events or practices.
- Be aware of National Weather Service-issued (NWS) thunderstorm "watches" and "warnings" as well as the signs of thunderstorms developing nearby. A "watch" means conditions are favorable for severe weather to develop in an area; a "warning" means that severe weather has been reported in an area and for everyone to take proper precautions.
- Know where the closest "safe structure or location" is to the field or playing area, and know how long it takes to get to that safe structure or location. Safe structure or location is defined as:
- Any building normally occupied or frequently used by people, i.e., a building with plumbing and/or electrical wiring that acts to electrically ground the structure. Avoid using shower facilities for safe shelter and do not use the showers or plumbing facilities during a thunderstorm.
- In the absence of a sturdy, frequently inhabited building, any vehicle with a hard metal roof (not a convertible or golf cart) and rolled-up windows can provide a measure of safety. A vehicle is certainly better than remaining outdoors. It is not the rubber tires that make a vehicle a safe shelter, but the hard metal roof which dissipates the lightning strike around the vehicle. DO NOT TOUCH THE SIDES OF THE VEHICLE!
- Be aware of how close lightning is occurring. The flash-to-bang method is the easiest and most convenient way to estimate how far away lightning is occurring.
Thunder always accompanies lightning, even though its audible range can be diminished due to background noise in the immediate environment, and its distance from the observer. To use the flash-to-bang method, count the seconds from the time the lightning is sighted to when the clap of thunder is heard. Divide this number by five to obtain how far away (in miles) the lightning is occurring. For example, if an individual counts 15 seconds between seeing the flash and hearing the bang, 15 divided by five equals three; therefore, the lightning flash is approximately three miles away. Lightning awareness should be increased with the first flash of lightning or the first clap of thunder, no matter how far away. This activity must be treated as a wake-up call to intercollegiate athletics personnel. The most important aspect to monitor is how far away the lightning is occurring, and how fast the storm is approaching, relative to the distance of a safe shelter. Specific lightning-safety guidelines have been developed with the assistance of the National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL).
- As a minimum, NSSL staff strongly recommend that by the time the monitor obtains a flash-to-bang count of 30seconds, all individuals should have left the athletics site and reached a safe structure or location. Athletics events may need to be terminated.
- The existence of blue sky and the absence of rain are not protection from lightning.
Lightning can, and does, strike as far as 10 miles away from the rain shaft. It does not have to be raining for lightning to strike.
- If no safe structure or location is within a reasonable distance, find a thick grove of small trees surrounded by taller trees or a dry ditch. Assume a crouched position on the ground with only the balls of the feet touching the ground, wrap your arms around your knees and lower your head. Minimize contact with the ground, because lightning current often enters a victim through the ground rather than by a direct overhead strike. MINIMIZE YOUR BODY'S SURFACE AREA, AND MINIMIZE CONTACT WITH THE GROUND! DO NOT LIE FLAT! If unable to reach safe shelter, stay away from the tallest trees or objects (such as light poles or flag poles), metal objects (such as fences or bleachers), individual trees, standing pools of water, and open fields. Avoid being the highest object in a field. Do not take shelter under a single, tall tree. location, and if all other precautions are followed.
- When considering resumption of an athletics activity, NSSL staff recommends that everyone should ideally wait at least 30 minutes after the last flash of lightning or sound of thunder before returning to the field or activity.
- People who have been struck by lightning do not carry an electrical charge. Therefore, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is safe for the responder. If possible, an injured person should be moved to a safer location before starting CPR. Lightning-strike victims who show signs of cardiac or respiratory arrest need emergency help quickly. Prompt, aggressive CPR has been highly effective for the survival of victims of lightning strikes.
Note: Flash-to-bang count, weather watchers, real-time weather forecasts and commercial weather warning devices are all tools that can be used to aid in decision-making regarding stoppage of play, evacuation and return to play.
The legal aspect of continuing an event in bad weather:
VII. Obligation to Warn:
According to a basic principle of tort law, an individual has a duty to warn others of dangers that may not be obvious to a guest of that person. In the event an activity will be suspended, the athletic department staff (athletic administrator, athletic trainer, head coach) will make an announcement warning all individuals in the area (i.e. spectators, visiting team, officials, etc.) to take shelter in a safe location. Signs will also be posted near the dugouts and bleachers to warn individuals of inclement weather.From Witchita State University: Severe Weather Policy
The following policies have been established in order to better prepare the Wichita State University Athletic Department staff, student-athletes, and spectators for safety procedures involved with severe weather and lightning. These policies have been established primarily to ensure safety to the participants and spectators. These policies were adapted from the National Lightning Safety Institute and NCAA Sports Medicine handbook.
Lightening Policies:
When severe weather is forecasted for the Wichita area, the following website should be opened: weather.dtn.com. When there is lightening within a 10 miles range, using the website, all outdoor activity, including practice and athletic events, will be postponed and all student-athletes, staff and spectators shall seek appropriate shelter. Practice and athletic events shall resume when there is no lightening strike with in 10 miles for 30 consecutive minutes.When website means are not available and there is lightening within a 20 miles range, using a "SkyScan" lightening detector, all outdoor activity, including practice and athletic events, will be postponed and all student-athletes, staff and spectators shall seek appropriate shelter. Practice and athletic events shall resume when there is no lightening strike with in 20 miles for 30 consecutive minutes.
Lightening Procedures:
- Coaches, and/or certified athletic trainers (practices), and game management staff (games) should obtain a weather report each day before a practice or event. Be aware of potential thunderstorms that may form during scheduled intercollegiate athletic events or practices. Coaches and athletic trainers on the site during practices should pay close attention to signs of developing thunderstorms in the area. Be aware of thunderstorm "watches" and "warnings" which may have been issued by the National Weather Service.
- The website will be turned on when severe weather and lightening is possible. During practice the certified athletic trainer will be responsible for monitoring the website. During games it is the responsibility of the WSU-ICAA administrator overseeing the event to monitor the website. The "Sky Scan" lighting detector may be used by either party when the website is not available.
- If there is a lightening strike within the 10 mile range or closer when using the website or 8-20 miles or closer when using the "Sky Scan" lightening detector, then the playing field is to be cleared immediately.
- During an event, a public address announcement will be made to inform the student-athletes, staff and spectators that lightening is in the area and they need to seek a safe shelter. Evacuate to an indoor facility or vehicle. Avoid going underneath or near trees, metal fences, gates, and tall light/power poles. Avoid water, high ground or open spaces.
- During practice, the certified athletic trainer will inform the athletic director and the coaches that there is lightening in the area. The student-athletes and staff will evacuate the field and seek appropriate coverage.
- Return to practice or athletic event will occur after 30 consecutive minutes from the last lightening strike in the 8-20 mile range or closer when using "sky scan" or 10 miles or closer when using the website. Student-athletes, staff and spectators will remain in an appropriate shelter until the "all-clear" announcement is given.